
At Lanesend Primary School, we want to equip our children with the skills and creativity required to change the world. They must use their Maths, Science and Design Technology skills in order to understand computing systems. We want them to be digitally literate on a range of systems so they can be active participants in the digital world. Developing digital resilience is a key aspect of the curriculum. Our children are equipped to recognise and overcome the challenges of the modern digital world. We follow Kapow for our Computing scheme of work.

Here is our Computing Curriculum Overview

Here is our Kapow Computing Curriculum for Parents

Characteristics of a Computer Scientist

  • Competence in coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects. 
  • The ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity. 
  • An understanding of the connected nature of devices. 
  • The ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum. 
  • The ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively 

Expectations of a Quality Computer Scientist 

  • To be forever learning and adapting to changes in technology. 
  • To connect safely with a wide network of people. 
  • To successfully learn new languages. 
  • To show resilience when debugging code. 
  • To be creative and learn through experimentation of ideas. 

To understand your future role. 

Aspirations for the Future

Effective Computer Scientists can have future careers in the following jobs: 

  • Computer Programmer 
  •  Web Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Network Engineer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Database Engineer
  • App Developer
  • Computer Game Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Sound Engineer