Installation of new outside areas chosen by our School Council

Lanesend Primary’s School Council was given a budget of £10,000 to spend on the outside areas of the school. They were provided with lots of brochures for playground equipment and asked to work together to agree what equipment should be ordered. They presented their ideas to the Headteacher and then when they had the agreement, the order was placed. The children have been watching over the last 2 weeks as the equipment was installed, getting excited as day by day they could see their ideas coming to life. The children chose a swing, bug hotel, climbing net, trim trail and bars. Today we took photos of the School Council with the product’s they had chosen.

Charlie-Rae from Reception class said “Our playground is just like a park now”. Demi-Leigh Year 2 said “Best school playground ever and we designed it as a team!” Charlie Year 6 said “It’s great to know that even though we’re leaving , younger children will enjoy what we did for years to come”.

Dave Cooper Deputy Headteacher said “I couldn't believe how professional the School Council team were when selecting the equipment, taking into account not only the budget but also the needs of others."

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